Akihabara is one of the most popular locations in Tokyo. It is known as an anime and game subculture town but what is it like?
This article is about Akihabara district, its location on the map, closest stations, address key-words, and must-visit tourist spots.
First, let`s find Akihabara on Google Maps.

The circled area represents Akihabara on a wide map.
It looks like this on enlarged map.

Closest stations
There is an Akihabara stop on 7 different lines.
- JR Yamanote
- JR Sobu (local train)
- JR Keihin Tohoku
- Tokyo Metro Hibiya
- Sazanami
- Wakashio
- Tsukuba Express
All mentioned lines stop at Akihabara station. However, there are a few more stations in the close vicinity of Akihabara.
- JR Ochanomizu
- Toei Ogawamachi
- Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Suehiro
As you can see, Akihabara is well connected which makes it easily accessible from different parts of Tokyo.
Key-words for addresses in Akihabara
It can be useful to remember some of the key-words to help you check if a shop is in Akihabara or has a branch there. Addresses with the following streets are located in or near Akihabara.
- Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Kanda Hanaokacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
- Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tourists spots
There are many tourist spots in Akihabara. Aside from being the center of different subcultures, it is also known as the best place in Tokyo to shop for electronics. There is also a large shrine where you can have a look at a more traditional side of Japan.
Yodobashi Media Akiba

Yodobashi Camera is the most recognized Japanese electronics retail store. The branch is Akihabara has a lot of other smaller shops on its upper floors, too. It carries electronics on 1F~6F, clothing and fashion accessories on 7F, and the restaurants are on the 8th floor.
It is a good place to start with and is often recommended in tourist guide books. So much so, you can see pictures of its exterior in tourist information centers all around Tokyo.
1-1, Kandahanaoka-Cho, Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo, 101-0028, Japan
Google Maps:
The following lines stop closest to the entrance.
- JR Yamanote・Sobu・Keihin Touhoku Line
- Tsukuba Express
- Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
Business hours:
1F~6F Yodobashi Camera
7F clothing, daily necessities shops
8F restaurant floor
Official site:
Kanda Myojin/ Kanda Jinja

Formally known as Kanda Jinja, Kanda Myojin is a 1300 old-shine located in the middle of Akihabara. People come here to pray for success in school or business, good health and happy love life. Besides being one of the most popular tourist spots in Akihabara, it is also known as an anime shrine. Since it was featured in Live Live anime seres it changed its image into a more contemporary holy place for otaku. They even sell anime goods.
16-2, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
The following lines stop closest to the entrance.
JR Yamanote・Sobu・Keihin Touhoku Line
- 8 minutes from Suehiro station
- 8 minutes from Ochanomizu station
- 9 minutes from Shin Ochanomizu station
Official site:
Radio Kaikan

Radio Kaikan is a commercial building erected in 1952 that is nowadays considered a must-see landmark in Akihabara. It mainly carries toys, souvenirs, and hobby items. Located right outside JR Akihabara Electric town exit, it is the perfect place to shop for souvenirs.
1-15-16, Sotokanda, Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo To, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
- 1 minute from JR Akihabara station
- 10 minutes from Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Suihirocho station (1・3 exits)
- 5 minutes from Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line Akihabara (2・3 exits)
- 3m minutes from Tsukuba Express Akihabara Station (A1 exit)
Business hours:
Official site:
There are countless more electronics, retro, anime, game and hobby shops in Akihabara where you can find great deals and hidden gems. Therefore, if you ever visit Tokyo, don’t forget to add Akihabara to your list.