Naruto is a Japanese manga and anime series about Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the leader of his village. It is one of the most successful series of all time and has accumulated fans from all over the world.
Akihabara is known for its anime stores many of which sell Naruto goods but Rashinban, Otachu, Volks and Liberty have by far the best selection of products featuring Naruto characters.
Rahsinban carries anime goods and DVDs. Even though, there isn’t a corner dedicated to Naruto related products, its figurines, and toys displayed around the store.
They also sell mystery anime bags. There are Naruto-themed ones as well, which can be a great Akihabara souvenir.
AKIBA Cultures ZONE, 1F・2F, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
- 4 minutes from JR Akihabara station – Electric Town exit
Business hours:
Official site:
Otachu。 Akihabara
Otachu。 is a store that mainly carries figurines. Since its figurine selection is one of the largest in Japan, it is no wonder its a good place to find high-quality Naruto figurines. Here you can find different versions of most characters and even a few rare gems.
Ooya Bld.2kai, 3-2-9, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
Business hours:
Official site:
Volks Hobby Paradise
Volks Hobby Paradise is a leading hobby shop in Akihabara.
There are so many figurines displayed inside that it seems a whole day won`t be enough to check them all out.
It is close to Akihabara station, so it is easy to find.
1-15-4, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
Business hours:
- Weekdays: 11:00~20:00
- Weekends: 10:00~20:00
Official site:
Liberty Akihabara Second Shop, Third Shop, Forth Shop, Sixth Shop
Liberty is a 30 old chain that sells DVDs, toys, figurines, train models, minicars and plastic models. Out of its numerous stores located in Akihabara, Liberty Akihabara Second Shop, Third Shop, Forth Shop and Sixth Shop carry figurines.
Since Naruto has been fan favorite for years, Liberty also has a great selection of Naruto figurines.
Liberty Second Store
1-15-14 Sotokanda, Chiyod-Ku, Tōkyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
Business hours:
Liberty Fourth Store
OGISO Bldg., 4-4-3, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
Business hours:
Liberty Sixth Store
1-11-5, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tōkyo, 101-0021, Japan
Google Maps:
Business hours:
Official site: